Saturday, May 29, 2021

Books I Read in May and Books I Plan to Read in June 2021

 Hi! I don't always write on my blog, but I got a comment on one of my videos today of someone wanting to know about my blog, and I realized I hadn't written in it since March. I was going to make a video today, but I felt much more like writing in my blog. I feel more comfortable writing than talking on my videos. I am really a shy person, so I sort of fumble to think of words when I am speaking. I do better if I just write out what I would like to say. 

So these are the books I read this month! 

1. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

I give this a 5 star rating. It is very easy to read even though it was originally published in 1865. It read like a fairy tale to me. I love the Disney movie and there are some scenes I remember that were like the book, but there is also a lot in the two books that were not in the movie. I think if you like the movie, you will love these two books. It is very whimsical and actually pretty hilarious if you enjoy silly humor and puns. I thought it funny how each character Alice meets is on the verge of losing their temper it seems. She tries to be polite and not upset anyone, yet they get irritated at her just the same. I also enjoy the illustrations of John Tenniel. He was the original illustrator for both books, so if you get the books I encourage you to find them with the original illustrations.

2. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

I give this book 5/5 stars as well. It was written in 1907. I think this is my all time favorite book. I read it last year, and loved it. I bought all the books in the series. I plan on reading all of them this year. Actually, because I've seen videos of other books written by L.M. Montgomery where people recommended her other books it makes me feel like I probably would love all of them. I follow Darling Desi on Youtube, and I am one of her patrons on her Patreon page. She plans out "buddy reads" where we vote on what book we want to read for the month and then she makes a live video where we can talk about it. So for the month of May we voted for Anne of Green Gables to be the "buddy read". So I'm so excited for the video to come out. I think it will be out in July for the two books we read for May and June. 

This book is so sweet and special. I love the way the author describes things. From the story, to the characters, to the natural setting of Prince Edward Island. It is a beautiful story! I grew up watching the tv series with Megan Follows starring as Anne. I watched it over and over again. It's about an orphan girl that goes to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. They are expecting to adopt an 11 year old boy to help Matthew with his farming, but there is a mistake and Anne shows up! She is an imaginative, talkative, wonderful personality. I just love her! I wish she was real and that she was my friend. So the book shows her grow up to be 16 years old. And she has adventures and it follows her life. It is a sweet story. 

3. The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks

I also give this book 5/5 stars. I really love Nicholas Sparks books. When I got this book I was wandering around Barnes and Noble looking for some books I had on my list, but I couldn't find them and I decided to go to somewhere familiar so I found where the Nicholas Sparks books were kept. I feel like if you have read his books than you would like this book. It is very dramatic actually. I was expecting it to be a love story that might end up sad or there may be some sad bits in it. So I was prepared to cry. I didn't mind if I did cry actually. There is also a bit of a supernatural element to the book. You don't know if the main character is seeing a ghost or if he is hallucinating. I know that happens sometimes in Nicholas Sparks books where there is an other worldly element to his stories. And I like that. There are also a couple of really evil characters in here that you just can't help but hate. Sparks is really good at creating characters. I just think his books are excellent. They are not difficult to read at all. They are sweet love stories. Sometimes bitter sweet. Because of the evil characters I felt worried for the safety of the other characters in the book, which created an element of suspense and made you want to keep turning the pages. There is also sad life moments in the story that keep it dramatic and you feel sad for the main characters. I think this was made into a movie actually. I am going to need to watch the movie now. 

These are the books I plan to read in June:

1. Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery

This is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series. In this book she is going off to college. I don't think I've ever read this one. I started reading it last year, but I didn't get into it so I put it down. I'm going to try to read it again because I have a renewed interest in books this season. In this book it says on the back that Anne's friends are all getting married. I wonder if she will have romance in this book.

2. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

I've read this book before, but I decided I wanted to reread it. It is one of the books that might be a "Buddy Read" for the month of June on Darling Desi's Patreon Page. I decided whether it will win or not, I want to reread this book. I really enjoyed it the first time I read it, and I also enjoyed the movies. It is the book that comes before the Lord of the Ring books. It is a classic fantasy book. It was written in 1932. There is magic, elves, hobbits, dwarves, wizards, and dragons in this book! It definitely appeals to the imagination. I think J.R.R. Tolkien was the one who started the whole different type of character like an elf, a man, a dwarf, a wizard, a hobbit, etc. from different races and they all come together and go on a quest. I think a lot of fantasy writers have copied him and video game writers. 

3. Pages and Co. The Bookwanderers by Anna James

This is a series of Middle Grade books where the characters wander out of the books they are in and meet the main character, Tilly! In this book she meets Anne of Green Gables and Alice of Wonderland! I heard about this book this month and I thought this is the perfect book for me to read since I just finished reading those two books! And then when I was looking at Darling Desi's Patreon page, I realized it was actually picked as a buddy read this year, and I missed it. I think I just saw they were reading a book for young readers and I wasn't interested to know more about it. Then I have been watching Alexandra Roselyn's youtube videos. She is a booktuber and reviews books on her channel. She talked about this book and it sounded perfect for me. I heard this whole series is really good, so I might have a new series I will want to read. It sounds fun and imaginative. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog! Feel free to leave a comment. I rarely get comments on my blog. My youtube channel is Dream Cat, and my instagram is Seaside653.

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