Friday, June 7, 2024

Books I Plan on Reading This Summer

 Hi! It's been awhile since I wrote on my blog. I wanted to share what I have been reading. I have been posting videos, but when I try to make a book video I am too negative in my head, and it is hard for me to say what I would like to say. I think sometimes it is easier for me to write.

This year I have been finding myself wanting to finish reading the Anne of Green Gables series, which is eight books. I got trapped by the 5th book when something very tragic happens in Anne's life that had me putting the book down for I think was over a year. It was very sad, and I had thought maybe I wouldn't finish the series because of it. But after finishing Little Women, which had a very sad part in it, I got through, and found the book to be a five star read. I felt glad I had read it. I thought maybe I should get through the sad part of Anne's book. The series has a high rating on Goodreads. So now I am back reading this series. 

I am finishing up Anne of Ingleside. It's the sixth book in the series. The books read old fashioned, but that doesn't bother me. Anne is married and has five children in this book. She's a good mom, and her children are just as imaginative and funny as she was. They all have funny stories about each one. Each chapter is basically a different story of their lives. The characters we've met in earlier books sometimes make an appearance. 

In July I plan to read the 7th book from the Anne of Green Gables series, called Rainbow Valley. They have a great big yard, and the children have named a section Rainbow Valley, so I think this book will be focused on Anne's children, and all the mischief they get up to. The back of the book says there are six children in the family now. They make other friends and like Anne help people in their neighborhood. These are really sweet books. They make you feel good inside. 

In August, I plan on finishing the Anne of Green Gables Series with Rilla of Ingleside. I think Rilla is the youngest of Anne's children. In this book she is a teenager, and I think it will be focused on her and a romance? The back says her brothers go off to fight in a war, and Rilla brings home a baby! These books are very well written. I have the Emily books as well. I would like to keep reading L. M. Montgomery this year.

I have been reading children books I read as a child. I finished Winne-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner this Spring. It made me want to reread other books that I remember laughing and reading with my mom. I want to read the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary.

The first book is Beezus and Ramona. This is about two sisters. It is so funny! Little sister Ramona is always getting into mischief and being a pest for her older sister to deal with. There are quite a few books in this series. I haven't read all of them because I stopped reading them in the 80's when I was a child. A couple more have been written since then. 

I like to watch Darling Desi on Youtube and she has a ton of books she has recommended. Often time she makes a seasonal video recommending books for that season. So these are the books I am going to read based on her recommendations.

This book I am finishing up. I don't know if I recommend it, but I just want to find out how it ends. It's about a girl who has magical powers, and in her village, it is considered evil to have magic, so she runs away into the enchanted forest and seeks to find a magical wishing flower that will grant her a wish. She wants to wish away all her magic powers. The demon of the forest stops her and says if she agrees to be his servant for a year, he will grant her wish. So she agrees. And that is how the story begins. She moves into this enchanted cottage in the magical forest with a demon, and it is sort of like a mystery because she wants to learn more about the demon and how he became what he is. She makes friends with other spirits and demons. It is a young adult fantasy novel.

I started to read this book this month (June). The book goes back and forth between the present time where the main character Persephone is an adult, 30 years old, editor of a magazine and she finds out the mother of her two childhood friends has passed away and she is called to come to the memorial service or funeral. She had a falling out the last time she saw them, and we don't know yet what happened. The book flashes back to when she was thirteen years old and coming to the cabin at the lake with her family and meeting the two boys who she becomes friends with. I think she falls in love with one of them. I don't want to read the back because I don't want it to be spoiled. So far, it is an interesting read. 

I'd like to read this book in July. It is another "summery" book. The main character's sister has passed away and they always loved to play a squirt gun fight, but an elaborate one with a large family. I think this will be funny and there may be a romance involved. I also wonder if it wont also be sad since the sister passed away, if there may be grief involved? But Darling Desi didn't mention that part. I haven't read the back of this one either. When I got these three books at the bookstore the girl at the cash register said she read all of them and loved them. She especially loves this last one.

I have heard many people talk of this author and this book, as being people's favorite romance novel. The girl at the bookstore said, after she read this one she had to run out and buy all the other books written by Abby Jimenez! So this book has looked interesting to me for awhile now. I hope I like it. All I really know about it is that it may be a Little Mermaid retelling? And the love interest is a man with a pet pigmy goat he dresses in pajamas. That is all I need to know.

I hope you found this interesting. What books are you reading this summer? Please let me know! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow wow wow I LOVE the Anne books though I’ve only read the first two! You make me want to read them all. I’m also a huge fan of the Little Women books and have read them a few times. The Pooh books are some of my faves too and they sound like fun summer rereads! Thank you for sparking my imagination! The others sound interesting too, but you reminded me of ones I love so much 💖💖💖


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